AMSR swath ASI sea ice concentration (Spreen et al., 2008; Melsheimer et al., 2019) in NetCDF format. - - one folder per day, naming: asiYYYYMMDD (i.e. asi20200101 etc.) - The swath files keep part of the name of the original AMSR2 level 1B data,, like where 073D is the descending half swath at position (track no.) 073. The netCDF file contains: + the sea ice concentration data in two separate 2-dim. arrays, the so-called A scan and the B scan (in the 89 GHz channels, there are two scan lines spaced 5 km apart where the lower-frequency channels have just one scan line); each array contains roughly 2040 (plus minus a few) scanlines of 486 values + the latitude and longitude values of all elements of A and B scan in four appropriately named arrays of the same size + the time of acquisition of each scan line in a 1-dim array of about 2040 elements (name: Scan_Time); A and B scan lines have the same acquisition time; the units are seconds since 1 Jan, 1992, 0:00 UTC 2025-01 contact: Christian Melsheimer (, Gunnar Spreen (